Forward – Of course!
Tonto looks back on 10 years of “Tonto-Comics“ 7 to 10 June 2012
Opening hours: Thu noon– 9 p.m., Fri/Sat 10 a.m.–9 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.–6 p.m.
Gummi-Wörner, Kellergewölbe
Ten years ago, the Austrian artist Edda Strobl helped a comics branch grow out of the music platform ”Tonto“ that has born surprising leaves, flowers and fruit in the meantime. “Genossen”, the first edition of the series of publications named “Tonto-Comics” was developed together with the artist Helmut Kaplan who is also from Austria. With the title “Noise”, it has arrived at number 13 and forms the backbone of the internationally active and multi-culturally connected group. The exhibition in honor of Tonto’s tenth anniversary showcases the status quo of Tonto-Comics. There will be works on view by the artists diceindustries, Norbert Gmeindl, Michael Hacker, Simon Häussle, Igor Hofbauer, Michael Jordan, Andreas Leikauf, Nicolas Mahler, Clemens Stecher, Heinz Wolf, Aleksandar Zograf, Gordana Basta and others. Edda Strobl and Helmut Kaplan will recount their respective views of the “Tonto-Story” in two “table landscapes”.
Web: comics.tonto.at