deutsche Versionfrom 7.-10.June 2012
Ticketinformations Tickets Online Advanced Booking Prices

Ticket prices for fair and exhibitions
1-day-pass: 9,00 Euro / concession 6,00 Euro
1-day-pass Family Sunday: 9,00 Euro / concession 6,00 Euro (concessions only available at the box office at the Congress Centre Heinrich-Lades-Halle and other venues)
4-day-pass: 24,00 Euro / concession 16,00 Euro

Concessions for children and adolescents from the ages of 6 to 14 and disabled persons (from 50% GdB) after showing valid ID as well as the attendants of wheelchair users.
Children under the age of 6: free entrance!

Advance booking on this website under >> Online Ticket Sales, under, at the common >> ticket agencies in the Erlangen / Nuremberg / Fürth / Bamberg metropolitan area (advance booking fee) and from 7 to 10 June 2012 at the box office at the Congress Centre Heinrich-Lades-Halle and other venues.

Ticket prices “Max und Moritz” Award Ceremony
Category I: 22,00 Euro – Category II: 16,00 Euro

Advance booking on this website under >> Online Ticket Sales, under, at the common >> ticket agencies in the Erlangen / Nuremberg / Fürth / Bamberg metropolitan area (advance booking fee) and at the evening box office one hour before the beginning of the event.

Ticket prices Readings / Theater
Theater Erlangen: Angstmän (Thu 7 June, 5 p.m.): children/students: 7,00 / concession 5,00 Euro – adults: 9,00 / concession 6,00 Euro
Don Quijote – Reading with Flix (Thu 7 June, 9 p.m.): 7,00 / concession 5,00 Euro
Karl May. Die ganze Wahrheit – Reading with Christian Moser (Fri 8 June, 7 p.m.): 7,00 / concession 5,00 Euro
Alois Nebel-Abend – Reading with Jaroslav Rudiš and Jaromír 99 (Sat 9 June, 7:30 p.m.): 7,00 / concession 5,00 Euro
Fall Out Girl – Radioaktive Roadshow. Maß & Fieber OST / Theaterscheune Teutleben (Sat 9 June, 9 p.m. and Sun 10 June, 7 p.m.): 12,00 / concession 9,00 Euro

Concessions for students, trainees, persons in “Bundesfreiwilligendienst“, “Freiwilliges Soziales / Ökologisches / Kulturelles Jahr“ (in each case to 30), receptors of “Grundsicherung“ and ALG II, persons applying for asylum and disabled persons (from 50% GdB) after showing valid ID as well as the attendants of wheelchair users.

Advance booking under >> Online Ticket Sales and, at the common >> ticket agencies in the Erlangen / Nuremberg / Fürth / Bamberg metropolitan area and at the ReserviX-ticket agencies nationwide (advance booking fee).
Evening box offices in each case one hour before the beginning of the event.

FiL – Chapeau Maman! (Theater Fifty-Fifty, Südliche Stadtmauerstr. 1): 23,00 / concession 17,00 Euro
Concessions for students, receptors of “Grundsicherung“ and ALG II and disabled persons as well as holders of a Salon-ticket.

Comic Film Fest
Preview – Exklusivvorstellungen / Dokumentationen / Kino-Highlights zwischen den Salons (Thu–Sun 7 to 10 June, Manhattan-Kinos and Lamm-Lichtspiele): with Salon-ticket: 7,00 Euro – otherwise: 8,00 Euro
Aktuelles Comic-Kino (Thu–Sun 7 to 10 June, CineStar): information about entrance fee, starting and running time under or directly at CineStar.
Filmnacht der Studenten (Sat 9 June, 10 p.m., Lamm-Lichtspiele): with Salon-ticket: 4,00 Euro – otherwise: 5,00 Euro

Tickets in each case at the cinema box office Manhattan-Kinos, Lamm-Lichtspiele or CineStar.

All information supplied is subject to change!